Weekend Race Results (9/5-9/10)

Post date: Sep 12, 2017 6:20:19 PM

Fellow Runners,

The Grand Slam of Ultrarunning award recognizes those who complete four of the oldest 100 mile trail runs in the U.S.  On Saturday, September 9, Kelly Barber finished the Wasatch Front 100, his fourth hundred-miler of the summer, to win this award.  He is one of only 11 people to accomplish this feat in 2017, and he racked up the third fastest total time for all four races.

Another 100-miler took place at the Marin Headlands on Saturday.  Ian Grettenberger won the race outright, beating out the next competitor by 24 minutes.  At the same event, Martin Sengo ran the 75-miler, Emmet Rahl ran the 50-miler, and Tara Steinmetz ran the marathon.

Closer to home, the Lagoon Valley trail run was held in Vacaville, with Cristina Ramirez taking fifth place in the 30K, Randy Green running the 10K, and new member Nick Harrod taking third place in the 5K.

A big GVH crowd showed up in Sacramento for the Buffalo Stampede 10-miler.  Pam Runquist led the club with a finish time of 1:06:00 and took second in her age group.  Eric Nichol and Beth Bourne took third in their respective age groups, and Howard Ferris won his age group, followed closely by Allison Alcalay.

On Sunday, September 10, Ernie Shimizu and Peter Friederich ran the Run to Remember 5K, with Peter taking second in his age group.

We had full teams at the Golden Gate cross country meet in San Francisco, complemented by visiting honorary club members from Inayuma, Japan.  Annie Ciernia, Joannie Siegler, and Melissa Poole led the women's team.  Inayuma visitor Makoto Kato led the masters men, followed by Bryan Thoreson and Jim Farrar.  The open men's team was led by Steve Andrews, Zach Bonner, and Mark Felice.

Next week:





MT DIABLO (Clayton, CA 9/16)


RUN FOR OVARIAN CANCER (Sacramento, CA 9/17)


CLO COW HALF (Petaluma, CA 9/17)


Please send your PR's and other results to me (Scott) at gvhraceresults@gmail.com

Congratulations, runners!

WASATCH FRONT 100 MILER (Kaysville, UT 9/8) 

Overall Place/ Name/ Age Group Place/ Overall Time/ Pace

72/ KELLY BARBER/ 30:05:47/ => Third Place, Grand Slam of Ultrarunning

HEADLANDS (Sausalito, CA 9/9) 

100 miler

Overall Place/ Name/ Overall Time/ 

1/ IAN GRETTENBERGER/ 20:39:00/ => Winner!

75 miler

Overall Place/ Name/ Overall Time/ 

8/ MARTIN SENGO/ 22:23:11/

50 miler

Overall Place/ Name/ Overall Time/ 

78/ EMMETT RAHL/ 15:10:14/ 


Overall Place/ Name/ Overall Time/ 

61/ TARA STEINMETZ/ 7:58:00/ 

LAGOON VALLEY (Vacaville, CA 9/9)


Overall Place/ Name/ Overall Time/

5/ CRISTINA RAMIREZ TORRES/ 3:08:49/ => Fifth Place Overall 


Overall Place/ Name/ Overall Time/

21/ RANDY GREEN/ 1:02:29/ 


Overall Place/ Name/ Overall Time/

3/ NICHOLAS HARROD/ 24:33/ => Third Place Overall 

BUFFALO STAMPEDE 10-MILER (Sacramento, CA 9/9) 

Overall Place/ Name/ Age Group Place/ Overall Time/ Pace

25/ PAM RUNQUIST/ 2/ 1:06:00/ 6:36/M => Second in Age Group 

42/ ERIC NICHOL/ 3/ 1:09:54/ 7:00/M => Third in Age Group 

44/ BOB ROWDEN/ 4/ 1:10:32/ 7:04/M 

50/ ANGIE HART/ 4/ 1:11:35/ 7:10/M 

52/ BETH BOURNE/ 3/ 1:11:51/ 7:12/M => Third in Age Group 

110/ ERNEST SHIMIZU/ 11/ 1:22:31/ 8:16/M 

129/ CHRISTINA DICKER/ 6/ 1:25:41/ 8:35/M 

173/ HOWARD FERRIS/ 1/ 1:31:46/ 9:11/M => Age Group Winner 

190/ ALLISON ALCALAY/ 5/ 1:33:26/ 9:21/M 

RUN TO REMEMBER 5K (Sacramento, CA 9/10) 

Overall Place/ Name/ Age Group Place/ Overall Time/ Pace

80/ ERNEST SHIMIZU/ 7/ 25:30/ 8:13/M 

82/ PETER FRIEDERICH/ 2/ 25:45/ 8:18/M => Second in Age Group 

GOLDEN GATE PARK OPEN (San Francisco, CA 9/10) 


Overall Place/ Name/ Overall Time/

59/ ANNIE CIERNIA/ 25:53/ 

65/ JOANNIE SIEGLER/ 26:05/ 

66/ MELISSA POOLE/ 26:21/ 

74/ ANGIE HART/ 26:58/ 

92/ MAI NISHIBE/ 27:50/ => Inayuma Guest Runner

108/ YUMI KURIBAYASHI/ 28:32/ => Inayuma Guest Runner

118/ NUALA DEL PICCOLO/ 29:21/ 

123/ ANDREA KIRSCH/ 29:50/ 

144/ AMY BECKER/ 31:18/ 

149/ KERRY SORTOR/ 32:01/ 

Masters Men

Overall Place/ Name/ Overall Time/

55/ MAKOTO KATO/ 25:07/ => Inayuma Guest Runner

60/ BRYAN THORESON/ 25:19/ 

69/ JIM FARRAR/ 25:57/ 

82/ TALYON SORTOR/ 26:59/ 

111/ MARK GOLTZ/ 30:30/ 


119/ JIM FLANIGAN/ 33:03/ => running for Tamalpa

Open Men

Overall Place/ Name/ Overall Time/

49/ STEPHEN ANDREWS/ 21:35/ 

52/ ZACHARY BONNER/ 21:42/ 

53/ MARK FELICE/ 21:44/ 

61/ ISSA UKAI/ 22:02/ => Inayuma Guest Runner

81/ JOSE ZARAGOZA/ 23:06/ 

83/ ADAM WARNER/ 23:16/ 

86/ LAWRENCE DENNIS/ 23:19/ 

92/ MICHAEL PATE/ 23:32/ 

93/ BLAIR HOWARD/ 23:36/ 

113/ TAISEI KATO/ 25:59/ => Inayuma Guest Runner

116/ ALEX YEH/ 26:41/