Weekend Race Results (8/20-8/26)

Post date: Aug 28, 2018 11:32:42 PM

Fellow Runners,

The racing began this Saturday on Muir Beach, where Clark Whitten and Martin Sengo ran the grueling Tamalpa Headlands 50K.

Closer to home, Andrew Liu led GVH at the Race for the Arts 5K in Sacramento, placing in his age group.  Jamie Henson won her own age group.

At the cross country meet in Santa Rosa, Jen Schmidt led the women.  Joachim Schnier and Zach Bonner led the masters and open men, respectively.

On Sunday, Ed Ballerini led the charge at the Santa Rosa half marathon with a strong 1:38 finish, followed by Christina Dicker and Cathrine Lemaire.   Cynthia Chak earned a marathon PR with 3:43, and was followed by Mike Lemaire.

Several GVHers made the trek to Mount Diablo for the trail race.  Mark Goltz ran the 4-miler.  Mike Johnson led GVH in the half marathon, followed minutes later by Heather Jones who scored a podium spot with third in the women's race.  Emily Chan and Allison Alcalay each took second in her respective age group.  Andrea Brunsman took second in her own age group at the 50K.

Next week:



Please send your PR's and other race results to me (Scott) at gvhraceresults@gmail.com

Congratulations, runners!

TAMALPA HEADLANDS 50K (Muir Beach, CA 8/25) 

Overall Place/ Name/ Overall Time/ 

73/ CLARK WHITTEN/ 6:53:43/ 

97/ MARTIN SENGO/ 7:21:49/ 

RACE FOR THE ARTS 5K (Sacramento, CA 8/25) 

Overall Place/ Name/ Age Group Place/ Overall Time/ Pace

19/ ANDREW LIU/ 3/ 19:22/ 6:14/M => Third in Age Group 

37/ BOB ROWDEN/ 5/ 21:26/ 6:54/M 

60/ JAMIE HENSON/ 1/ 23:22/ 7:32/M => Age Group Winner 

64/ DAVID HAAKE/ 9/ 23:33/ 7:35/M 

86/ ERNEST SHIMIZU/ 9/ 25:24/ 8:11/M 



Overall Place/ Name/ Overall Time/ 



59/ CAMILLE BROWN/ 27:26/ 

62/ AMY BECKER/ 27:45/ => racing for Buffalo Chips

71/ ANDREA KIRSCH/ 29:02/ 

Masters Men

Overall Place/ Name/ Overall Time/ 

71/ JOACHIM SCHNIER/ 28:19/ 

Open Men

Overall Place/ Name/ Overall Time/ 

13/ ZACHARY BONNER/ 18:52/ 

SANTA ROSA MARATHON (Santa Rosa, CA 8/26) 

Half Marathon

Overall Place/ Name/ Age Group Place/ Overall Time/ Pace

82/ EDWARD BALLERINI/ 4/ 1:38:32/ 7:31/M 

292/ CHRISTINA DICKER/ 8/ 1:57:16/ 8:57/M 

699/ CATHRINE LEMAIRE/ 11/ 2:25:18/ 11:05/M 


Overall Place/ Name/ Age Group Place/ Overall Time/ Pace

354/ CYNTHIA CHAK/ 23/ 3:43:13/ 8:31/M => PR

658/ MIKE LEMAIRE/ 16/ 4:32:23/ 10:23/M 

MOUNT DIABLO (Clayton, CA 8/26) 

4 miles

Overall Place/ Name/ Age Group Place/ Overall Time/ Pace

30/ MARK GOLTZ/ 2/ 53:19/ 13:40/M => Second in Age Group 

Half Marathon

Overall Place/ Name/ Age Group Place/ Overall Time/ Pace

16/ MIKE JOHNSON/ 1/ 2:40:15/ 11:58/M => Age Group Winner 

20/ HEATHER JONES/ 1/ 2:43:32/ 12:12/M => Third Female Finisher, Age Group Winner 

28/ EMILY CHAN/ 2/ 2:51:55/ 12:50/M => Second in Age Group 

37/ STEVEN SHAFFER/ 5/ 2:58:53/ 13:21/M 

61/ ALLISON ALCALAY/ 2/ 3:30:36/ 15:43/M => Second in Age Group 


Overall Place/ Name/ Age Group Place/ Overall Time/ Pace

25/ ANDREA BRUNSMAN/ 2/ 8:12:36/ 16:12/M => Second in Age Group