Weekend Race Results (11/13-11/19)

Post date: Nov 21, 2017 7:09:08 PM

Fellow Runners,

Racing for Saturday, November 18, began in the Marin headlands at the North Face Endurance Challenge.  Clayton Kleppinger and Joann Helmus ran the steep marathon, Joann taking third in her age group.

Meanwhile, in Tempe, Arizona, Cary Craig took on the Ironman Arizona Triathlon.  She was hit by another bike only 10 miles into the ride portion and took a nasty spill.  After dusting herself off and fixing her bike, she finished the race in 12:22 to win her age group.

Closer to home on Saturday was the Davis Turkey Trot.  Ki Lee led GVH in the 5K, followed by Peter Friederich and Megan Ransdell.

Mark Murray finished seventh overall in the 10K with 38:58, winning his age group.  Marrie Argentine Chen won the women's race with 40:17.  Susan Gentry took third in her age group and Bruce Fisher won his own.

Speed coach Brendan Ward took fourth in the half marathon with a sizzling 1:19.  Michael Fan and Ed Ballerini each won their respective age groups, with Ed achieving a two-minute PR.  Bingbiao "Eric" Fang, Terry Smiley, Cristina Ramirez, Jane Sykes, Christina Dicker, and Allison Alcalay all placed in their respective age groups.  For Jane, this was her first race back after a long recovery from knee cartilage replacement surgery and a metatarsal fracture.

GVH fielded a smaller but still steadfastly scrupulous contingent of pacers for the half marathon.  The award for finishing closest to target time goes to Daniel Martin Saez, who came in less than 2.5 seconds away from his goal.

Sunday saw the Cross Country Championships at Golden Gate Park in San Francisco.  Pam Runquist, Joannie Siegler, and Nicole Aha led the women's team.  Jim Farrar, Craighton Chin, and Mike Johnson led the masters men.  And Zach Bonner, Ben Godfrey, and Steve Andrews led the open men.

Next week:

RUN TO FEED THE HUNGRY (Sacramento, CA 11/23)


QUAD DIPSEA (Mill Valley, CA 11/25)


Please send your PR's and other results to me (Scott) at gvhraceresults@gmail.com

Congratulations, runners!


Overall Place/ Name/ Age Group Place/ Overall Time/ Pace

80/ CLAYTON KLEPPINGER/ 11/ 4:33:14/ 10:26/M 

214/ JOANN HELMUS/ 3/ 5:43:00/ 13:06/M => Third in Age Group 


Overall Place/ Name/ Age Group Place/ Overall Time/ 

623/ CARY CRAIG/ 1/ 12:22:47 => Age Group Winner

DAVIS TURKEY TROT (Davis, CA 11/18) 


Overall Place/ Name/ Age Group Place/ Overall Time/ 

85/ KI LEE/ 3/ 23:20/ => Third in Age Group 

128/ PETER FRIEDERICH/ 5/ 25:09/ 

308/ MEGAN RANSDELL/ 14/ 29:33/ 

452/ GREG LOGE/ 18/ 32:21/ 

666/ SCOTT MARTIN/ 25/ 39:06/ 


Overall Place/ Name/ Age Group Place/ Overall Time/ 

7/ MARK MURRAY/ 1/ 38:58/ => Age Group Winner 

14/ MARRIE ARGENTINE CHEN/ 1/ 40:17/ => First Female Finisher, Age Group Winner 

42/ MARC BLUMBERG/ 7/ 45:08/ 

72/ MATHIEU SPRIET/ 4/ 48:25/ 

100/ SUSAN GENTRY/ 3/ 50:55/ => Third in Age Group 

124/ BRUCE FISHER/ 1/ 52:30/ => Age Group Winner 

181/ LILLYBELLE DEER/ 11/ 55:29/ 

216/ FADI FATHALLAH/ 15/ 57:12/ 

472/ RENVELYN GREY/ 4/ 1:19:24/ 

546/ LAURIN BECKHUSEN/ 8/ 1:42:17/ 

Half Marathon

Overall Place/ Name/ Age Group Place/ Overall Time/ 

4/ BRENDAN WARD/ 1/ 1:19:27/ => Fourth Place Overall, Age Group Winner 

19/ MICHAEL FAN/ 1/ 1:32:27/ => Age Group Winner 

26/ EDWARD BALLERINI/ 1/ 1:35:12/ => PR, Age Group Winner 

32/ BINGBIAO FANG/ 2/ 1:38:04/ => Second in Age Group 

34/ CHRISTOPHER DALTON/ 5/ 1:38:23/ 

40/ STEPHEN MCSORLEY/ 4/ 1:39:57/ => 1:40 Pacer 

41/ TERRY SMILEY/ 3/ 1:40:03/ => Third in Age Group 

51/ CRISTINA RAMIREZ/ 2/ 1:42:20/ => Second in Age Group 

56/ CHRIS HORSTING/ 6/ 1:42:49/ 

60/ MICHAEL PATE/ 6/ 1:44:22/ => 1:45 Pacer 

66/ JANE SYKES/ 2/ 1:46:37/ => Second in Age Group 

76/ KELLY BARBER/ 8/ 1:49:10/ => 1:50 Pacer 

81/ KATHERINE VOEPEL WARD/ 4/ 1:49:55/ 

108/ NICHOLAS PINTER/ 9/ 1:55:44/ => 1:55 Pacer 

119/ CHRISTINA DICKER/ 3/ 1:57:26/ => Third in Age Group 

134/ RICK SANTOS/ 12/ 1:59:44/ => 2:00 Pacer 

164/ DANIEL MARTIN SAEZ/ 17/ 2:04:35/ => 2:05 Pacer 

172/ ALLISON ALCALAY/ 2/ 2:06:09/ => Second in Age Group 

191/ WILLIAM HAAS/ 11/ 2:10:05/ => 2:10 Pacer 

211/ SCOTT SAMBUCCI/ 12/ 2:14:22/ => 2:15 Pacer 

227/ MIKE LEMAIRE/ 4/ 2:18:35/ => 2:20 Pacer 

249/ SHU YU/ 18/ 2:25:02/ => 2:25 Pacer 

260/ ERNEST SHIMIZU/ 18/ 2:29:56/ => 2:30 Pacer 

Half Marathon Pacer Report

Name/ Target Time/ Gun Time/ Difference (seconds)

Stephen Mcsorley/ 1:40/ 1:40:02.76/ 2.76

Michael Pate/ 1:45/ 1:44:29.54/ 30.46

Kelly Barber/ 1:50/ 1:49:21.59/ 38.41

Nicholas Pinter/ 1:55/ 1:55:59.53/ 59.53

Rick Santos/ 2:00/ 2:00:03.01/ 3.01

Daniel Martin Saez/ 2:05/ 2:04:57.52/ 2.48 => closest to pace target

William Haas/ 2:10/ 2:10:30.53/ 30.53

Scott Sambucci/ 2:15/ 2:14:51.26/ 8.74

Mike Lemaire/ 2:20/ 2:19:14.33/ 45.67

Shu Yu/ 2:25/ 2:25:44.81/ 44.81

Ernest Shimizu/ 2:30/ 2:30:43.84/ 43.84


Women (4 miles)

Overall Place/ Name/ Overall Time/ 

57/ PAM RUNQUIST/ 26:52/ 

68/ JOANNIE SIEGLER/ 27:31/ 

74/ NICOLE AHA/ 27:39/ 

86/ MELISSA POOLE/ 28:34/ 

115/ ANGIE HART/ 30:46/ 

121/ NUALA DEL PICCOLO/ 31:36/ 

126/ LOUISE DEBEFVE/ 32:02/ 

130/ AMY BECKER/ 32:32/ 

137/ ANDREA KIRSCH/ 33:15/ 

Masters Men (6 miles)

Overall Place/ Name/ Overall Time/ 

65/ JAMES FARRAR/ 42:42/ 

82/ CRAIGHTON CHIN/ 46:20/ 

97/ MIKE JOHNSON/ 48:01/ 

106/ JAMES CARMAN/ 50:38/ 

Open Men (6 miles)

Overall Place/ Name/ Overall Time/ 

52/ ZACHARY BONNER/ 34:59/ 

54/ BEN GODFREY/ 35:18/ 

68/ STEPHEN ANDREWS/ 36:25/ 

71/ OLLIE EHLINGER/ 36:40/ 

85/ LAWRENCE DENNIS/ 38:16/ 

92/ MICHAEL PATE/ 39:53/