Results 6/17 - 6/23/2019

Fellow Runners,

Lilly Hayden and Joannie Siegler ran the mile at the Sierra Gold Track Meet at Hooper Stadium in Grass Valley on June 15.  Official results have not been posted, but their unofficial times were 6:37 and 6:38, respectively.  Lilly reports that Joannie set two meet records and got a special award for the fastest age graded mile.

If anyone ran the One Mile Bang in Los Gatos on Sunday, please let me know.

GVH member Jen Schmidt continues to kick ass this year.  On Friday she ran the Broken Arrow Skyrace Vertical Kilometer, which is a 5K with 1000 meters of climbing.  She took fifth in the women's race and second in her age group.  The next day she was the first woman across the finish line at the 11K.  On Sunday, she raced the 12K at Burton Creek up near Tahoe City and won again for the women.

Another finely honed racing machine, Galen Farris earned a 2:40 PR at Grandma's Marathon in Minnesota.

Ernie Shimizu ran the Elk Grove Run for Hunger on Saturday and the Positive Energy 5K in Davis on Sunday.

Next week:

WESTERN STATES (Squaw Valley, CA 6/29)

Please let me know if I missed you!  Send your PR's and other race results to me (Scott) at

BROKEN ARROW SKYRACE (Olympic Valley, CA 6/21-6/23) 

Vertical Kilometer 5K (6/21)

Overall Place/ Name/ Age Group Place/ Overall Time/ Pace

31/ JENNIFER SCHMIDT/ 2/ 55:13/ 17:45/M => Fifth Female Finisher, Second in Age Group 

11K (6/22)

Overall Place/ Name/ Age Group Place/ Overall Time/ Pace

7/ JENNIFER SCHMIDT/ 1/ 1:04:34/ 9:26/M => First Female Finisher

BURTON CREEK 12K (Tahoe City, CA 6/23)

Overall Place/ Name/ Age Group Place/ Overall Time/ Pace

5/ JENNIFER SCHMIDT/ 1/ 53:22/ 7:09/M => First Female Finisher


Overall Place/ Name/ Age Group Place/ Overall Time/ Pace

173/ GALEN FARRIS/ 19/ 2:40:21/ 6:08/M => PR

ELK GROVE RUN FOR HUNGER 10K (Elk Grove, CA 6/22) 

Overall Place/ Name/ Age Group Place/ Overall Time/ Pace

46/ ERNEST SHIMIZU/ 7/ 55:52/ 9:00/M 

POSITIVE ENERGY 5K (Davis, CA 6/23) 

Overall Place/ Name/ Age Group Place/ Overall Time/ Pace

13/ ERNEST SHIMIZU/ 3/ 26:42/ 8:37/M => Third in Age Group