Results 3/16 - 4/5/2020

Fellow Runners,

The Personal Peak training group sponsored the first ever Quarantine Backyard Ultra, a virtual (and free) ultra in which competitors agree to run at least 4.167 miles every hour on the hour until they give up.  At least three club members participated.  Ed Ballerini and Chris Dalton each lasted 12 hours for a total of 50 miles.  Kelly Barber ran 15 laps for a total of 62.5 miles.  Congratulations, gentlemen!

Please email me (Scott) at if you have any interesting running stunts to report.


Name/ Hours/ Total Distance/

ED BALLERINI/ 12/ 50.0/

CHRIS DALTON/ 12/ 50.0/

KELLY BARBER/ 15/ 62.5/