
Golden Valley Harriers

GVH is a running club located in Davis, CA dedicated to promoting running in the community. Members come in all shapes and sizes—from elite ex-college runners to folks who are just starting to run and everything in between.  The club is organized as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.  Donations to the club are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.  Our Tax ID# is 14-1841731.

Tuesday Night Speed Workout

Event Volunteering

Cross Country Racing

Everyone is welcome to come out and run with us (membership is not required). But we appreciate a positive attitude. (Please note that our RRCA insurance requires that runners under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian.)  

GVH currently meets for workouts on:

For more details, see Nicole's weekly e-mail message, or go to the This Week's Workouts page. 

The President posts a weekly update once a month on the front page.

To keep up with the latest GVH news, access race registration discounts, and more, check out our membership page: GVH Membership

9/2/2024 UPDATE

Last Week's Workouts


Tuesday evening pre-Covell overpass hill workout. Robin and Eric, Heather's relatives, moved recently to Davis and joined us last Tuesday.


More than 30 runners joined last Saturday morning at the start of the Labor Day weekend.


Davis Labor Day Runs

(Top: Jim S. and family, Mark G., Nicole, and Joachim; Bottom left: Mike S.; Bottom right: Etan B. and Ethan K.)

GVHers made their presence known this morning at Central Park to run the Davis Labor Day races. It was great to see some of you this morning: Etan, Ethan, Mike S., Jim S., Mark G., Ernie, Joachim, Nancy, Nuria, Cynthia and Eric and their 7 kids!

Race Results (8/26-9/2) 

Fellow Runners,

We have updated results from the Race for the Arts 5K.  Not only did Joachim Schnier finish, but also Jeff Steele and Carolynne Beno.

On Labor Day, Michael Sweeney, Cynthia Chak, and Mark Goltz each won age group prizes at the 5K.

For the 10K, Etan Bard and Ethan Kissock led the club.  Nancy Rashid and Joachim Schnier placed in their age groups. Nancy Rashid was in fifth place overall in the women's race.

Congratulations, runners!

RACE FOR THE ARTS 5K (Sacramento, CA 8/24)

Overall Place/ Name/ Age Group Place/ Overall Time/ Pace

82/ JEFFREY STEELE/ 4/ 26:04/ 8:23/M

95/ JOACHIM SCHNIER/ 5/ 26:43/ 8:35/M

330/ CAROLYNNE BENO/ 23/ 46:31/ 14:58/M

LABOR DAY (Davis, CA 9/2)


Overall Place/ Name/ Age Group Place/ Overall Time/ Pace

17/ MICHAEL SWEENEY/ 1/ 21:19/ 6:52/M => Age Group Winner

47/ CYNTHIA CHAK/ 2/ 24:50/ 8:00/M => Second in Age Group

87/ MARK GOLTZ/ 2/ 28:36/ 9:13/M => Second in Age Group


Overall Place/ Name/ Age Group Place/ Overall Time/ Pace

7/ ETAN BARD/ 4/ 41:52/ 6:45/M

13/ ETHAN KISSOCK/ 6/ 43:29/ 7:00/M

22/ NANCY RASHID/ 1/ 45:40/ 7:22/M => Fifth Female Finisher, Age Group Winner

58/ JAMES SAMARTINO/ 13/ 52:16/ 8:25/M

68/ JEFFREY STEELE/ 4/ 54:06/ 8:43/M

73/ NURIA DAGHBOUCHE RUBIO/ 5/ 54:40/ 8:49/M

74/ ERNEST SHIMIZU/ 7/ 54:53/ 8:51/M

101/ JOACHIM SCHNIER/ 2/ 57:13/ 9:13/M => Second in Age Group

131/ DON HAGEN/ 4/ 59:57/ 9:40/M

167/ JENNIFER DESIDERI/ 14/ 5:30/ 10:33/M

Thursday Evening Location Change - The Shovels

We had 39 responses. Of the 39, 25 have attended the Sudwerk evening runs. Of the 25 Sudwerk attendees, more than 2/3rds voted to change the location. The Shovels won by a thin margin over Community Park.

For those who have not gone to Sudwerk at all, those who said they would consider attending if the location was changed to Central Park, followed by G St, then Community Park.

Next steps

Thank you all for your patience. To ensure everyone (even Sudwerk) is aware of the change in location ahead of time, and keep the announced Sacramento Run Week location of GVH Thursday evening consistent (which is at Sudwerk), we will officially start at the Shovels on Sep 26.

Volunteers are plotting routes for the new Thursday evening location. We will share them with you sometime next week.

If you have any concerns or questions, let me know.

Discount - Rebels XC Challenge and Patagonia SF

River City Rebels is collaborating with Patagonia SF on the local Rebels XC Challenge. Use code [members only] for 10% off race registration then your race registration gets participants 25% off Patagonia SF’s website. Join me at this XC race! I just registered today.

Race info

09/21/2024, Saturday 9-11am

Ancil Hoffman Park, 6700 Tarshes Dr., Carmichael, CA 95608



This Saturday - Sep 7 Gold Country Run

Gold Country 10K, 5K, Kids K in El Dorado Hills is taking place on Saturday, September 7th this year.

We have a 15% discount on any race distance. Use promo code [members only] to get 15% off the race registration price.

As in the past, the race starts and finishes in beautiful El Dorado Hills Town Center and is followed by a fun party with live music, complimentary beer and a health expo put on by Marshall.

Click Here for the link to the race registration website.

Next Monday - Sep 9 Deadline to vote for GVH at Run Local Awards

The Run Local awards are a way to reflect on all of the pieces that make the Sacramento running community so great and to celebrate the achievements made in the previous year. We want your input and the community's input to help us recognize and celebrate the people and moments that make our running scene so special!

The voting form can be found here, as well as all other categories and nominees: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd-HEgYdA94QnOQFYOXpvgjDcSZ2F0NTcUjvWZbC-gFM2aDOw/viewform?usp=sf_link

Voting begins now so please feel free to fill out your votes and share with your fellow community members!

All "Run Local" winners will be announced on September 9 and celebrated at the Night of Achievement event at Camden Spit & Larder Capitol Boardroom and Terrace on September 14. Tickets to the event can be purchased online via this link.

Next Tuesday -  Sep 10 Club Meeting Steve's Pizza

Please join us after the Tuesday evening speed workout on Sep 10 at Steve’s Pizza. The draft agenda is as follows. I hope to see you there.


Upcoming Events

Newly added

If you are considering racing and want to score for GVH, join the PAUSATF now and designate GVH club #135 for your affiliation.

Let me or Craighton know if there are events that you want to be added to the calendar.

*PA events are on the PAUSATF race series that involve individual and team scoring plus prize money. You must be a member of the PAUSATF to score. 

Nicole Osorio


Contact Us



Mailing Address:

Golden Valley Harriers

P.O. Box 454

Davis, CA 95617-454

Facebook: Join our Facebook group.

Strava: Join our Strava club

Instagram: Follow us @gvh_davis

Community Actions:

You can donate directly to the club general fund or to specific activities via PayPal:  Donate 

Here is the link to the 2024 High School Cross Country Teams Fundraiser https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=RW8MBCEARZQAQ

GVH donated $525 to each XC team at Woodland HS and Pioneer HS as part of our 2023 program to support local running programs. The coaches came to our Saturday morning run to express thanks and tell us how the donations have been used. Last year, Alex, the Woodland coach, used the 2022 donation to buy a pop-up tent with the school logo which is wildly popular with the XC and track team.